Part of the goal of every University communication, regardless of the audience, is to identify consistently and positively with the University. Using a Nebraska N lockup is one way for any University department or unit to do just that. UNL Lockup Factory makes it easy to have an Nebraska N lockup created so your unit can align with and take full advantage of the University’s strong brand.
Three easy steps to create a lockup.
Choose your lockup style
Over 25 templates to choose from! It's as easy as just entering your text.
Submit for approval
Your lockup undergoes approval for a seamless fit with our brand, and to ensure a visually stunning design.
Download your lockup
After approval, download your lockup in over 25 different formats.
Create Lockups
Bring your ideas for lockups, and we'll give you the styles to choose from.
Manage Lockups
Manage and download your submitted and approved lockups.
Lockups Library
Find your lockups or available lockups for download in over 25 different formats.
What is a “Nebraska N lockup?"
An Nebraska N lockup combines the University's “Nebraska N" icon with text describing a university department or unit into one scalable image. This allows the text to be "locked in" to the correct position and size next to the "N" in order to keep design consistent across the University for our audiences. Lockup files can then be laid out in print materials, sent to merchandisers or used in websites. UNL Lockup Factory generates images and vectors in RGB, Pantone, CMYK, and Black colors and includes all necessary file types and reversed versions for use on dark backgrounds.
How do I begin?
Click "Create a New Lockup" above. You'll need your UNL login credentials. You'll then choose your lockup style and enter your text. You'll also want to know the "Communicator Contact" for your unit, as both he/she and University Communication will approve the Nebraska N lockup. Once that's done, you can generate the files and download a .zip package. Or, download individual files if you don't need them all. They will always be available here!